Resources for
Federal Workers
The recent actions within federal agencies mean many workers in our region will need support in the months ahead. Here is a compilation of current resources available for impacted federal workers. Updated February 19, 2025.
Unemployment Insurance
Unemployment insurance is a program that pays benefits to people who lost their jobs through no fault of their own. You should file for benefits with the state in which you worked. In general, to be eligible for Unemployment Insurance you must:
Be unemployed through no fault of your own
Have earned enough wages to file a claim
Be available for work and be physically able to work
Conduct regular job searches and provide documentation to the Unemployment Office
To apply you will likely need:
Identity documents including social security number, or an Alien Registration Number if you are not a U.S. citizen
Information about wages and earnings
Information about any severance payments
Employer’s name, address, contact information
Documentation of the job separation such as lay-off notice, termination letter etc.
Be sure to have all your documents together before starting your application.
Each state is different, but benefit levels are usually no more than half your previous take-home pay. These benefits are short-term — usually 6 months only — as the intent is for you to get back into the job market and working again.
Apply for benefits in Maryland
If you worked in Maryland, you can also call a claims agent at (667) 207-6520. Agents are available Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.Apply for benefits in Virginia
For questions call the Virginia Employment Commission Central Office at 1 (866) 832-2363.
Federal Unemployment Insurance Claims
The Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UFCE) program provides unemployment compensation for federal employees who lost their employment. More information about eligibility is included in that fact sheet.
Additional Information and Assistance for Fired Federal Workers
Information for Probationary Employees
State of Maryland’s Resources for Workers Impacted by Recent Federal Actions
National Consumer Law Center: Surviving Debt
Emergency Resources
State Departments of Human and Social Services
For supplemental food assistance, rental assistance, or assistance with paying utilities, apply in the jurisdiction where you live.
Emergency Food, Shelter and Health Care Directory
The Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington’s interactive to find agencies for various emergency needs.
Baltimore Gas and Electric Community Resource Guide (PDF)
Information on various emergency resources for utility help, housing, health care and more across Maryland.
United Way of the National Capital Area
24/7 resources across the metropolitan area. Call 2-1-1- a referral system for a variety of social services and emergency needs.
HUD mortgage assistance
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers a number of programs to assist homeowners who are at risk of foreclosure. HUD-certified housing counselors are listed by state and locality, and some agencies also offer rental assistance.
HomeFree-USA connects government, the real estate finance industry, and consumers to create new homebuyers, sustainable homeowners, affordable homes and revitalized communities. Call 1 (866) 696-2369 for more information.
AFL-CIO Union Plus
AFL-CIO’s Union Plus credit card program offers mortgage assistance, disaster payments, legal help and the many other programs available to union members. Call 1 (800) 472-2005 for more information.