Community Services Agency (CSA) is the only labor-sponsored social services agency in the Metro Washington area. Formed in 1991, CSA is the successor organization to the Labor Agency of Metropolitan Washington.

Since 1946, the American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and United Way Worldwide have enjoyed a cooperative relationship. United Way’s local agency partners with Metropolitan Washington Council AFL-CIO provide services to working families, their families, and their communities

AFL-CIO & United WAY

United Way and organized labor work together to:

  • Help fellow union members by training union volunteers to assist coworkers and their families with information about available local services and to refer them to the appropriate organizations.

  • Boost labor input in area health and human services decision-making by recruiting, training, and helping union members advocate with the decision-making bodies of local agencies to strengthen the community safety net.

  • Boost union-member giving for community support by soliciting contributions from workers through their worksite giving campaigns.

  • Link labor agency and labor liaison programs across the country to broaden assistance for workers and families and boost community safety net programs using shared best practices.

  • Develop local community activists through the Union Community Activist Network (UCAN) to work locally for economic advancement and equity for all, to build the pool of labor volunteers for community projects, and to advocate for adequate social safety nets and programs for anyone in need in our communities.

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